
I definitely want to start blogging, but I'm not sure of what to talk about.
I was contemplating on a few things.
Military Mommy to Be, about life with my husband in the Navy with the baby on the way, with info and stuff for other such mommies that might need help...
Art Appreciation, I tried to do a blog where I drew something every day, but my tablet died and the scanner cables are super MIA. Totally unsure as of what to do, as we have no extra money. So this time, appreciate OTHER people's art, and draw and post my own when I can.
Crazy-Cat Lady, stuff about the cats we have, tips, tricks, links, and as much help as I can give for all the crap they do. xD
Gaming, essentially stuff about games I play, have played, want to play, yadda yadda yadda.

Any thoughts would be great. I'm lost.

Just saying.