♥ Out of Touch ♥

Sometimes things in life distract us.

For me, it is my job. My daughter. My cats. My house. My deployed husband.

The thing I have a hard time letting distract me, is me.
I've just recently started to think better about myself. Self-worth is something many people battle with, even if they shouldn't need to. I have battled it as long as I can possibly remember. I have never been comfortable in my own skin.
What created this issue for me, honestly, is unknown. It could be any number of things.

The only thing I know, is that it is time for a change.

A change for my daughter, my deployed husband, and most importantly myself.

I needn't apologize for my extended absence, since I didn't have but a few people who read my puny posts to begin with.

My blog will continue to be about my adorable daughter, my attempts to be eco-friendly, but also my journey to obliterate my horrible self-loathing.

My goal, to myself, is to say something that I can do well, every day.
I want to share my thoughts on things that I find to be helpful in my journey as a mother, wife, store manager, and human being.

I welcome suggestions and feedback, even if it isn't always positive.

I am still new to blogging, even so far after I began that journey.

For today, I will leave my post with my positive thing for today.

I am very good at getting my precious daughter to smile.

It is that smile that motivates me to get out of bed daily.